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Listen to the audio and use the options given below to fill in the summary of the poem:
Answer variants:
wink of an eye
train travel
fairies and witches
The poem "From a Railway Carriage" is about the experience of the poet "R.L. Stevenson" during his
. He has written the poem very expressively that we also travel along with him, in his railway carriage. He says that the train travelled  much faster than imaginary characters like
. He saw bridges, houses, hedges, and 
 along the way. He felt the train charged forward like
 of soldiers in a battlefield, who were ready to attack. He saw many brightly painted
 along the way, as he heard the whistles that indicated the arrival of the stations. But all these sights flew past him in a
, because the train was speeding fast.
The poet saw a child, scrambling up
 to gather some blackberry fruits. He also saw a
 who was standing and
 at the things happening around him. Some people were stringing
to make garlands from it. He saw a cart that was
 along laboriously with the weight of a man and the cartload. Finally, he saw a mill and a river. The poet saw all these sights only in a
, as the train sped away - leaving the images behind them.