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So far we have learned about the various methods or techniques to sperate the substances. Let us take a look at the summary of those methods. 
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Methods of separation 
What it is? 
The process of removing the impurities or non-essential substances by hand. 
  1. Handpicking stones from grain.
  2. Separating the stones and insects from rice.
  3. Removing spoiled or rotten vegetables from the vegetable basket.
Winnowing is the process which is used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind or by blowing air.
In harvesting process people do winnowing with paddy (rice) and wheat.
The threshing process is used to separate the grains from the stalks by beating the stalks to free the grain. 
In harvesting, people do threshing for paddy or wheat to separate the grains from the stalks
Sieving allows the tiny particles to pass through the holes of the sieve while the bigger impurities remains on the sieve. 
Separating the non-essentials from Roti or Maida flour.
When water is added to the substances, the heavier component in a mixture settles down, the process is called sedimentation.
We can separate a mud and sand particles from the water by applying sedimentation process.
Decantation is the process of separating the liquid from the mixture by separating the upper liquid layer and letting the other layer of solid or liquid stay below.
We can separate a mixture of oil /kerosene and water
Filtration is a purification method that can be used to separate a mixture consisting of a liquid substance
and the solid impurities in it.
  1. Tea/ coffee filtering.
  2. Filtration used to separate the non-essentials from the water
Evaporation is used to separate the substance from the solvent, or to obtain concentrated solutions.
In the process of evaporation we can purify common salt from water.