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  • This tool allows you to draw some simple filled and unfilled shapes.
  • Select a shape from the selector screen on the right side (Triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval, etc.).
The shape tool's behaviour is chosen by the options provided in the bottom right:
Shpae tool at bottom right.JPG
1. Shapes from centre
The initial position you select is considered the centre in this option, and the shape will expand from that position.
shape by centre.JPG
2. Shapes from corner
The initial position you select is considered one corner in this option, and the shape will extend from that position.  This is the default method of most other traditional drawing software.
shape by corner.JPG
Text and Label:
  • This tool allows you to write letters and numbers.
  • For typing the text, You need to select the text icon from the left side toolbar, and you can select the font types and colours from the right side and bottom, respectively, and click the centre screen; you will see the cursor.
  • Enter the text, and it will show up on the centre screen.
  • Press the Enter button, now the text will be placed onto the picture, and the cursor will move down by one line.
  • Alternatively, if you press the Tab button, the text will be placed onto the picture, but the cursor will move next (right side) to the text.
Text box exchange.JPG
  • While using the Text tool, the text entered can't be changed or moved later because it becomes a part of the drawing. To avoid this, the Label tool is used.
  • In the Label tool, the text floats over the pictures. It can be repositioned or edited later because the details of the label (the text, the position of the label, the font choice, and the colour) get stored separately.
  • The 'Fill' tool flood-fills the areas within the boundaries of your drawing with a solid colour of your choice.
  • It is one of the special tools.
  • This tool provides a countless number of special visual effects if it is used in various combinations with other tools.
  • Select any one of the magic effects from the selector menu on the right side of the screen. You can either click or click and drag around the picture depending on the selected tool to apply the effect.
  • On the right side of the screen, below magic tools, a painting button is available for the tools, using click and drag to draw wonderful patterns.
magic left.JPG
  • On the right side of the screen, below magic tools, an entire picture button is available for the tools, which affects the entire picture at once.
magic right.JPG
magic tool screenshot.JPG
  • The eraser is similar to the Paint Brush. The picture, text, or any background are erased when you either click or click & drag.
  • Erasers are available in different sizes and shapes, such as round and square.
  • As you erase, a "squeaky clean" eraser/wiping sound is played.
eraser screen shot.JPG