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A phrase is a group of words that are a part of a sentence. It works together to give a meaning, but cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence. It does not have a subject and/or a verb.
1. Walking across the lane
2. On his feet
3. Three cute kittens
4. Of Ramya
These group of words give meaning, but does not have subject and verb together and hence cannot make a complete sentence.
Subject - Person or thing that is being spoken of, or does the action in a sentence.
Verb- The action that is being performed.
Object - Receives the action
Direct object - What the subject acts upon.
Indirect object - Who receives the action
Ram gave him a car
Ram- Subject
Gave - Verb
Him - Indirect object
Car - Direct object
1. Noun Phrase: A noun is a name, place, thing or animal. A noun phrase is a noun and any word that modifies the noun in the sentence. The modifiers can even be articles, prepositions, adjectives and pronouns. A noun phrase can be a subject, direct/indirect object, or the object of a preposition.
The blue house is mine. - the blue house is the noun phrase. Here the noun phrase is the subject.
I want a pen - pen is the noun phrase. Here the noun phrase is the direct object.
2. Verb Phrase: It has one verb and other words that modify the verb.
The teacher put the book in the bag.
Put the book in the bag is a verb phrase. It consists of the verb 'put' and its dependents but not the subject 'The Teacher'.
Meanings of phrases in the lesson "That Sunday Morning":
Drew level withRose to an equal level 
Whoop with gleeShout with enthusiasm and happiness 
Jammed on the brakesTried to stop the motion immediately
Clung for dear lifeAs if one’s life depends on it 
Charged up the roadRan very quickly in panic
Beat a hasty retreatTo leave a place quickly
Crowed about it for daysTo speak of something proudly for days
Landed smack on the backLanded all of a sudden with a sound, on the back
Running like mad in circlesRunning in a confused manner
Scrambled out of the ditchCame out of the ditch with great difficulty
Gave them an uneasy glanceLooking with discomfort
With one accordAgreeing immediately