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The speaker is asking everyone to speak softly instead of screaming. He asks us to converse with love and not by fear of being taken in the wrong sense. We can look into our daily routine to understand this concept deeply. For example, we can say that teachers can have a good relationship with their students by just loving them for what they are. The students should not be scared of them, that they might get reprimanded for asking doubts. The relationship would get sour if they use harsh words, and the students might not get benefitted out of the system.

In the second stanza, the poet is asking us to speak in a gentle and kind voice between friends, and not to raise voice to prove that you love each other; He asks us to tell it slowly. If we reduce the voice, then one can be more expressive and can get connected effortlessly. The friendship will last longer, and the voice will sound affectionate.
In the third stanza, the poet is asking everyone to be kind and talk in a gentle to the little children, because by doing so, the little child will reciprocate all the love. Childhood is a fleeting phase, so when we show them kindness and softness, the child may cherish them for a long time.

The poet wants us to talk to the people who are in their youth with kind words and in a gentle way. Young people already have enough problems in their life as people treat them neither as adults nor as children. They are most often anxious to explore more. So, they will need enough love and care at that stage.
The poet urges us to be soft and polite with the elderly people. Generally, older people tend to go through a lot having a fair share of happiness and worry. When they are old, their body is worn out, and the mind becomes less active. They need care and attention like any child. One must speak to them with care and attention as they are left with only little time to live.

One must be kind and gentle towards poor people. They don't enjoy a luxurious life and are already suffering to get food, money, and shelter. So speaking to them in a tone that is not rude and not using rough and unkind words might make their lives better. They have to go through enough problems in their life to earn a living and to feed their families.

One must speak gently to the prisoners who have made several mistakes in their lives. There is a possibility that they turned into criminals, as a result of previous trauma or misery. Wise words can win their hearts and make them a better person.
One must remember to speak gently to God. God is always there for people in need. He even gave up his life for man's stubborn will. He made sure to prevail peace when all the elements on earth were in a battle against each other. So one speak to the god with the utmost softness in prayer.
One must remember to speak gently to God. God is always there for people in need. He even gave up his life for man's stubborn will. He made sure to prevail peace when all the elements on earth were in a battle against each other. So one speak to the god with the utmost softness in prayer.
The poet compares our hearts to a deep well. He says one must talk to themselves in a gentle way that happiness and joy prevails, and to every man ever after.