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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Introduction to synonyms Meaning of synonyms explained with examples.
2. List of common synonyms Study a list of common synonyms for ready reference.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find the synonyms 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Study the concept of synonyms and find the correct synonym for each word.
2. True or false 1st type - receptive easy 4 m. Understanding of synonyms is very important to attempt this true or false type exercise.
3. Fill in the correct synonyms 1st type - receptive easy 4 m. Fill in the blanks with correct synonym for the words given in brackets
4. Choose the wrong synonym 2nd type - interpretation medium 8 m. Analyze the various meanings and locate the unrelated word in this exercise. Find the wrong synonym from the question and write down in the text boxes.
5. Write the correct synonym 2nd type - interpretation medium 8 m. Learn to spot the word that exactly conveys the meaning for the word in question.
6. Choose the correct set of synonyms 3rd type - analysis hard 9 m. Identify the only set which has 3 related words; other 2 choices will have only two related words.
7. Fill in the blanks with synonyms 3rd type - analysis hard 9 m. Practice the application of context in each case to derive the correct synonyms for words in brackets.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Match the correct synonym Other easy 7 m. Match the words to their synonyms and write down the correct pairs.
2. True or false Other easy 3 m. Understanding of synonyms is very important to attempt this true or false type exercise.
3. Fill in the correct synonyms Other medium 6 m. Practice how to find synonyms with relation to the meaning of the context in the sentence.
4. Non replaceable synonyms Other hard 9 m. Study the application of synonyms that cannot be replaced.
5. Creative exercise 2 Other hard 10 m. Study the synonyms list thoroughly and write down 2 synonyms for each word in this exercise.
6. Select the correct synonym Other hard 10 m. Select the correct synonyms of the given words and write down the correct pairs.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test 00:10:00 medium 27 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 00:15:00 medium 19 m.
2. Progress test 00:20:00 hard 44 m.