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Answer variants:
Measure the unknown to diagonal to find the area of the rhombus.
Draw a line segment \(AB\) of \(7.2\) \(cm\).
With \(C\) as centre, measure \(26^\circ\) and draw lines on both top and bottom of the line segment \(AC\).
With \(A\) as centre, measure \(26^\circ\) and draw lines on both top and bottom of the line segment \(AC\).
Now, mark the intersections as \(B\) and \(D\).
Order the steps of construction to construct a rhombus with one of its diagonals as \(7.2\) \(cm\) and one of its angles as \(52^\circ\).
Step \(1\):
Step \(2\):
Step \(3\):
Step \(4\):
Step \(5\):