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1. Team I and Team II play \(10\) cricket matches each of \(20\) overs. Their total scores in each match are tabulated in the table as follows:
Match numbers\(1\)\(2\)\(3\)\(4\)\(5\)\(6\)\(7\)\(8\)\(9\)\(10\)
Team I\(200\)\(122\)\(111\)\(88\)\(156\)\(184\)\(99\)\(199\)\(121\)\(156\)
Team II\(143\)\(123\)\(156\)\(92\)\(164\)\(72\)\(100\)\(201\)\(98\)\(157\)
What is the relative frequency of Team I winning?
The relative frequency \(=\)
2. The probability that it will rain tomorrow is \(\frac{91}{100}\). What is the probability that it will not rain tomorrow?
The probability that it will not rain tomorrow \(=\)