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In plants, asexual reproduction produces new plants without the production of seeds or spores. Only one parent is involved in the production of offspring, and there is no fusion of gametes.
Types of Asexual reproduction
  1. Vegetative propagation
  2. Budding
  3. Fragmentation
  4. Spore formation
Vegetative propagation
  • Reproduction through vegetative parts like the root, stem, leaf, and buds.
  • It can take place using any vegetative parts which are discussed below.
Vegetative propagation through stem:
The stem or the branch possess buds in the axil (the point of attachment of leaf at the node). Buds present at the axil called vegetative buds can develop into the shoot. These buds consist of short stem around which immature overlapping leaves are folded. Thus the buds can produce a new plant by vegetative propagation.
Method through cutting
  • A small part of the stem with node is cut with a knife.
  • The stem cutting should have buds on it. 
  • The lower end of stem cutting is placed or buried in soil, and the upper part of cutting which has the bud is placed above the soil.
  • After a few days, the cutting develops new roots.
  • The bud grows and produces a shoot. A new plant is thus produced, which is similar to the parent plant.
  • Method is suitable for rose, champa, money plant, sugarcane, banana, cactus, etc.
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