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  • Set up the apparatus as shown in Fig.
  • Place a wooden block of known mass in front of the trolley at a convenient fixed distance.
  • Place a known mass on the pan so that the trolley starts moving.
  • The trolley moves forward and hits the wooden block.
  • Fix a stop on the table in such a manner that the trolley stops after hitting the block. The block gets displaced.
  • Note down the displacement of the block. This means work is done on the block by the trolley as the block has gained energy.
  • From where does this energy come?
Here the  of mass placed in the pan is converted into  of the trolley which is finally transferred to the block.
  • Repeat this activity by increasing the mass on the pan. In which case is the displacement more?
  • In which case is the work done more?
If the mass in the pan increases, the amount of  converted into also increases. Hence displacement of the block is .
In this activity, the  does work and hence it possesses energy.