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1. Write short notes on – Timber yielding plants.
a. Hardwoods are obtained from _________.
b. Which of the following is an example of hardwood?
c. Decks, high-quality furniture, wooden constructions, hardwood flooring, and boat-building are only made using _________.
d. Softwoods are obtained from gymnosperms, and a few angiosperms also produce softwood.
e. Which one of the following is not made of softwood?
f. Which of the following is an example of softwood?
g. Angiosperm, also called _________.
h. Plywood is a _________ created by finely-cut wooden boards from wood.
i. We use wood for these purposes due to their features like ___________.
j. Softwoods are obtained from gymnosperms which are non-flowering trees.
2. Comment on importance of plant animal interaction.
a. Animals rely on plants for food and shelter .
b. Silk is produced by silkworms, which feed on mulberry leaves when they spin their cocoon .
c. The relationship between the silkworm and the plant is economically not useful for producing silk .
d. The bright colour of the flowers, the smell and honey attract insects .
e. When insects move from one plant to another, the pollen grains from their body gets transferred to the other flower, which results in self-pollination .
f. Bees are the best pollinators that produce honey .
g. Plants and algae that do not live in coral reefs provide food for a variety of fish .
h. Animals and birds, play an important role in spreading seeds of various plants .
i. The digestive enzymes of birds harden the seed's protective layer, allowing it to germinate .
j. Ecology is the science that deals with the inter-relationship between plants, animals and the environment .