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It is a group that includes unicellular eukaryotic and a few simple multicellular eukaryotic organisms.
  • They may or may not have cell walls. Appendages such as hair-like cilia or whip-like flagella and pseudopodia are the locomotory structures used by these organisms to move around.
  • They are both autotrophic and heterotrophic. These organisms are also known as primitive animals as they regarded as ancestors of all multicellular eukaryotic organisms.
  • Protists can be classified into two main groups. The plant-like protists are photosynthetic and are commonly called algae.
  • The algae are both unicellular and multicellular. The animal-like protists are known as protozoans that include the amoeba and paramecium.
  • They reproduce by fission or conjugation.
The unicellular algae, diatoms, and protozoans such as amoeba, paramecium, and euglena.
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Clockwise from top to bottom: Paramecium, Amoeba, Euglena, Diatoms, Algae
  • It is a group that includes multicellular non-green eukaryotic organisms. A few organisms among these use decaying organic material as food.
  • These types of organisms are known as saprotrophs or decomposers.
  • The organisms belonging to this kingdom, secrete enzymes that digest the food and later absorb the digested food.
  • Some of them which depend on the living protoplasm for their food are known as parasites.
  • Most of the fungi have the capability of becoming multicellular organisms at particular stages of their lives.
  • The cell wall of fungi is made up of a tough complex sugar called chitin.
Yeasts, Moulds, Mushrooms or Agaricus, and Rhizopus.
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Clockwise from top: Yeast, Mushroom, Mould, Rhizopus