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During Prehistoric times, people did not have tools like what we use now. The evolution of humanity led them to eat cooked food. When the demand for food consumption increased, they started doing agriculture. They required tools for the agriculture practice. The need for tools pushed them to invent stone tools which later evolved as advanced tools.
 This invention started evolving in different phases during different ages, for instance:
  • Palaeolithic Age (Old stone age)
  • Meso/Microlithic Age (Middle stone age)
  • Neolithic Age (New stone age
Paleolithic age:
Paleo means Old; Lithic meaning Stone.
The Palaeolithic period is the period when the ice age existed and known as the glacial period (coldest). The glacial period was followed by an interglacial (moderate) period.
The end of this period marked the end of the Ice age, which resulted in the extinction of many species, rising sea level, and climate change that eventually caused man to migrate.
Mesolithic / Microlithic period:

1. Meso meaning Middle
2. Micro meaning Small/Tiny
3. Lithic meaning Stone
The Mesolithic age is also known as the Microlithic age. This age lasted between \(10,000BCE\ \)to \(8,000BCE\). During this age, humans used small and polished tools. They started inventing various techniques for making stone tools.
Sometimes crafted with points and attached to antlers, bone or wood served as spears and arrows. They followed the nomadic lifestyle by setting camps near rivers and other bodies of water.
Agriculture was introduced during this time, which led to more permanent settlements such as villages.
Neolithic age:

Neo means New; Lithic means Stone.
The Neolithic period existed from \(8000\ \)BCE to \(3000\ \)BCE. It was during this time; we see a shift in the lifestyle of early man from being food hunters and gatherers to agriculture and food producers.
Iron age:
The Iron age existed between \(1300\ \)BCE to \(900\ \)BCE. Iron is considered the most precious metal as it is easy to melt and mould. People started using iron in all possible ways. \(Iron\ \)made advancement in the architectural sector such as to build a four-room house, Temples, other religious structures or to renovate Royal palaces, etc.
As time passed by, agriculture, art and religion all became more sophisticated. The writing system and written documentation, including alphabets, began to emerge in the Early Historic Period.