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Prehistoric people – The Pioneers:
The advent of the new age and technology which enables us to acquire knowledge was not brought into place on a single day. It is a result of the constant evolution of the process called cognition, which started ages. We are witnessing its ripening and are reaping its benefits.
Prehistoric people
The seeds of creative knowledge were sown by our ancestors, known as the peoples of the Prehistoric period. The evidence of cognitive progression has been witnessed during their times with the kind of tools they possessed and the knowledge they displayed through Town planning, Agriculture etc.
The Inception of the Earth:
The earth came into existence approximately \(4.54\ billion\ years\ \)ago. Slowly through the process of geological evolution, living beings came to life. The origin of plants, reptiles and amphibians slowly paved the way for the birth of Human beings.
1 Billion: Equal to \(100\ crores.\) 
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The Geological timescale
The life of human beings is interconnected with the earth. The earth has its own biological, geological, archaeological layers that reveal the earth's interior structures. Archaeologists and Paleoanthropologists use various sources to explore the interiors to learn about human evolution.
Sources used by the Archaeologists:
  • Fossils of ancient animals and humans
  • Layers of soil
  • Rocks with sediments
Fossil remains
Paleoanthropology: This is the branch of anthropology that enables researchers to study the evolution of humanity with the help of fossil remains and archaeological records.
Australopithecines – The forefathers of humans
Australopithecines are early hominins and are strongly connected to the apes that are known to be inhabited in the areas of central, eastern and southern Africa. It is believed that humans evolved from these hominins which, became extinct millions of years ago.
Australopithecines to humans