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Meaning of difficult words from the lesson "His First Flight":
S.No | Words | Meaning |
1 | Seagull | A bird that lives near the sea |
2 | Ledge | A narrow piece of rock that sticks out a cliff |
3 | Flap | To move up and down |
4 | Fledgling | A young bird whose wings have not developed fully |
5 | Abyss | A deep hole with no end |
6 | Brink | In the edge of a situation |
7 | Muster | Collect or gather |
8 | Plunge | Jump or dive quickly |
9 | Desperate | Feeling hopeless |
10 | Shrill | High pitch noise |
11 | Threaten | To cause to be at risk |
12 | Skim | Quickly dive into something |
13 | Herring | A fish that is found in coastal areas |
14 | Cackle | Laugh in a loud way |
15 | Plateau | Fairly level high ground |
16 | Ascending | To come up |
17 | Blazing | To burn with bright flames |
18 | Mackerel | A sea fish with greenish-blue bands on its body |
19 | Scrap | A small piece of something |
20 | Dirt-caked | Covered with a thick layer of dirt |
21 | Gnawed | To bite hard with teeth |
22 | Trotted | To take quick short steps |
23 | Daintily | Fine or delicate manners |
24 | Precipice | The steep edge of a mountain |
25 | Sheer | Used to emphasize the size |
26 | Plateau | A fairly level high ground |
27 | Scraping | Drag or pull hard to remove dirt |
28 | Cackle | Speak in a loud, harsh way |
29 | Dozing | To fall asleep |
30 | Plaintively | Expressing sorrow or melancholy |
31 | Tapping | Move or strike to make noise |
32 | Motionless | To stay without movement |
33 | Newbie | Someone who is new in doing something |
34 | Swooped | To fly downwards rapidly |
35 | Monstrous | Evil or wrong |
36 | Headlong | In a rush |
37 | Dizzy | Feeling like losing balance |
38 | Shriek | To scream highly |
39 | Dog-fish | A small shark |
40 | Shrill | High pitched noise |
41 | Reluctant | Having doubts about do something |
42 | Devour | To eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left |
43 | Whet | To sharpen |
44 | Beckoning | Making a gesture with the hand or head to encourage someone to approach or follow |