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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. What is estimation Learn about estimation and its uses.
2. Estimate to the nearest tens by rounding off Learn how to estimate the numbers to nearest tens place.
3. Estimate to the nearest hundreds by rounding off Learn how to estimate the number to nearest hundreds.
4. Estimate to the nearest thousands by rounding off Learn how to estimate the number to nearest thousands.
5. Estimating the outcomes Discuss about estimation of outcomes of numbers.
6. Estimating the sum or difference Let us understand how to estimate the sum and difference
7. Estimate the products or quotients Understand how estimation is done for multiplication and division.
8. Using brackets and how to use it Let us discuss where the brackets are used.
9. Expanding brackets Learn how to apply the expansion of brackets for product of number.
10. Roman Numerals Know about Roman numerals.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Rounding off to nearest tens and hundreds 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Practice a problem on estimating the numbers to nearest tens and hundreds by its rule.
2. Fill in the nearest hundreds and thousands 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Practice a problem on rouding off the number to nearest ten thousand and lakhs.
3. Check and say true or false 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Try to estimate the value and choose the correct option.
4. Estimate the sum 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Practice a problem on finding estimated sum.
5. Calculate the difference in population 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Apply the concept of estimation and find the difference.
6. Determine the quotient 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Apply the concept of estimation to find the quotient of numbers.
7. Use bracket to convert the sentence 2nd type - interpretation easy 3 m. Try inserting brackets in the provided situation.
8. Convert the roman numerals to numbers 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. Transfer roman numerals to usual numbers.
9. Determine the reasonable estimation (sum) 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Select the meaningful estimation and hence determine the estimated sum.
10. Choose the reasonable estimation (product) 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Select the meaningful estimation and hence determine its product.
11. Calculate estimated sum and difference of two numbers 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Practice problem on finding sum and difference of two numbers.
12. Find the number with the help of its estimated value 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Apply the procedure of finding estimated value in reverse and get the number.
13. Find the estimated cost 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Apply the general rule of estimation and find the cost.
14. Caculate the estimated amount received 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Apply the general rule and estimate the cost for each people.
15. Transform the numbers to roman numerals 1st type - receptive medium 4 m. Practice a problem on transforming roman numerals to numbers and vice versa.
16. Find the product by expanding the brackets in it 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Solve the product of numbers by expanding its brackets.
17. Determine nearest 10, 100, 1000 2nd type - interpretation hard 5 m. Rounding off the provided numbers to tens, hundreds and thousands places.
18. Estimate the sum and find the difference of acual and estimated value 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. Caculate estimated total amount deposited and verify with actual amount.
19. Estimate by general rule 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. Apply the general rule for estimation and find the product values.
20. Determine the product by expanding the brackets in it 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. Practice problem on expanding brackets and hence find the product.
21. Add and subtract the roman numerals 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. Split the roman symbols and find the number value.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Express the provided expression interms of situation Other medium 5 m. Think and write the scenario where the expression can happen.
2. Fill in the nearest ten thousand and lakh Other easy 3 m. Practice problem on finding nearest ten thousand and lakh.
3. Product the numbers by estimation Other easy 3 m. Use the general rule and estimate the product.
4. Perform subtraction by estimation Other easy 3 m. Apply general rule for estimation and find the difference of two numbers.
5. Estimate the product of numbers Other medium 3 m. Practice problem on estimation of numbers and product it by using general rule.
6. Rounding the number to nearest lakh Other medium 4 m. Apply the general rule and express the given number in nearest lakh.
7. Substitute the roman numerals Other medium 4 m. Practice problem on roman numerals.
8. Rounding off the number to given rule Other hard 4 m. Estimate the numbers to nearest tens, hundredss, lakhs and crores by using general rule.
9. Determine the sum and difference of numbers Other hard 5 m. Estimate sum, difference as per the rule given and check it is reasonable.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training test 00:15:00 medium 12 m.
2. Training test 00:20:00 medium 14 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework 00:20:00 medium 9 m.
2. Homework 00:20:00 medium 16 m.
3. Homework 00:20:00 medium 14 m.
4. Homework 00:20:00 medium 16 m.
5. Progress test 00:20:00 medium 12 m.
6. Progress test 00:20:00 medium 13 m.