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1. The length of the tangent to a circle from a point \(P\), which is \(25 \ cm\) away from the centre is \(24 \ cm\). What is the radius of the circle?
The radius of the circle \(=\)  \(cm\)
2. \(PQ\) is a tangent drawn from a point \(P\) to a circle with centre \(O\) and \(QOR\) is a diameter of the circle such that \(\angle POR = 120^\circ\). Find \(\angle OPQ\).
The angle \(OPQ\) \(=\) \(^\circ\)
3. A tangent \(ST\) to a circle touches it at \(B\). \(AB\) is a chord such that \(\angle ABT = 65^\circ\). Find \(\angle AOB\), where “\(O\)” is the centre of the circle.
\(\angle AOB\) \(=\) \(^\circ\)
4. In two concentric circles, a chord of length \(16\) \(cm\) of the larger circle becomes a tangent to the smaller circle whose radius is \(6\) \(cm\). But first, find the radius of the larger circle.
The radius of the larger circle is  \(cm\).