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1. The perpendicular \(PS\) on the base \(QR\) of a \(\Delta PQR\) intersects \(QR\) at \(S\), such that \(QS\) \(=\) \(3\) \(SR\). Prove that \(2\) \(PQ^2 = 2PR^2 + QR^2\).
2. In the adjacent figure, \(ABC\) is a right-angled triangle with right angle at \(B\) and points \(D\), \(E\) trisect \(BC\). Prove that \(8AE^2\) \(=\) \(3AC^2 + 5AD^2\).
This is a self-assessment task. Solve this question and assess the solution steps after completing the exercise.