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1. If one litre of paint covers \(10 \ m^2\), how many litres of paint is required to paint the internal and external surface areas of a cylindrical tunnel whose thickness is \(2 \ m\), internal radius is \(6 \ m\) and height is \(25 \ m\).
Quantity of paint required to paint the tunnel \(=\) litres
2. The radius of a conical tent is \(7 \ m\) and the height is \(24 \ m\). Calculate the length of the canvas used to make the tent if the width of the rectangular canvas is \(4 \ m\)?
The length of the canvas \(=\)  \(m\)
3. From a solid cylinder whose height is \(2.4 \ cm\) and diameter \(1.4 \ cm\), a conical cavity of the same height and base is hollowed out. Find the total surface area of the remaining solid.
The total surface area of the remaining solid \(=\)  \(cm^2\)
[Note: Round off your answer up to one decimal place.]