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1. Find the volume of a cylinder whose height is 2 \(m\) and whose base area is 250 \(m^2\).
The volume of a cylinder \(=\)  \(m^3\)
2. The volume of a cylindrical water tank is \(1.078 \times 10^6\) litres. If the diameter of the tank is \(7 m\), find its height.
The height of the cylindrical water tank \(=\)  \(m\)
3. Find the volume of the iron used to make a hollow cylinder of height \(9 \ cm\) and whose internal and external radii are \(21 \ cm\) and \(28 \ cm\) respectively.
The volume of the iron used to make a hollow cylinder \(=\)  \(cm^3\)
4. The volume of a solid right circular cone is \(11088 \ cm^3\). If its height is \(24 \  cm\) then find the radius of the cone.
The radius of the cone \(=\)  \(cm\)