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The ingredients required for the preparation of Ragi Kali, a healthy dish of Tamilnadu is given below.
Ingredients Quantity
Ragi flour \(4\) cups
Raw rice broken \(1\) cup
Water \(8\) cups
Sesame oil \(15 \ ml\)
Salt \(10 \ mg\)
1. If one cup of ragi flour is used then, what would be the amount of raw rice required?
2. If \(16\) cups of water is used, then how much of ragi flour should be used?
3. Which of these ingredients cannot be expressed as a ratio? Why?
Answer variants:
\(2\) cups
\(\frac{2}{3}\) cups
Ragi flour, raw rice and water are in one unit, Sesame oil and salt are in different unit and hence cannot be expressed as ratio
\(\frac{3}{4}\) cups
\(4\) cups
\(8\) cups
\(\frac{1}{4}\) cups
Ragi flour, raw rice are in one unit, Sesame oil, water and salt are in different unit and hence cannot be expressed as ratio