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A trapezium is a quadrilateral whose two opposite sides are parallel, but the other two are not parallel.
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\(AD\) and \(BC\) are two parallel edges are termed as bases.
\(AB\) and \(CD\) are two non-parallel edges are termed as lateral sides.
In trapezium, whose lateral sides (\(AB\)) \(=\) (\(CD\)) are equal, then the trapezium is known as isosceles trapezium.
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  • The bases of the trapezium are parallel to each other \((AD || BC)\)
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  • The sum of its angles is \(360°\).
  • The diagonals '\(p\)' and '\(q\)' of the regular(all sides and angles are equal) trapezium bisect each other. In regular trapezium, \((AB = BC = CD = DA)\) and \((∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ∠D)\).