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Media and public opinion:
The media plays a prominent role in the formation of public opinion (general opinion of the public on a particular issue). Media play a significant role in how the public understands a certain news or event. Mass media must provide honest, intelligent and usually unbiased accounts of events.  Hence print media and electronic media helps the people to express their opinion on important social issues.
Ethics and Responsibility:
Ethics is a code of values that are essential for a moral and healthy life. In the context of media, ethics may be described as a set of moral principles. The media is supposed to follow a code of conduct that should be reflected in their reporting and writing. So media should avoid sensational and doctored news.
The media must serve the people with news, information on matters of public interest in an unbiased and accurate manner. An awakened and free media is very much essential for the function of the government. Media can collect the information from authentic primary sources to inform the general public and not create sensation. The media has an immense responsibility in providing factual and honest coverage.
Independence of media:
"The Fourth Estate", "Watchdog in a democracy", "Voice of the People", "Pillar of a Democracy" are some of the usual terms associated with the role of media in a working democracy.
Independent media operates free of any influence from both the government and the corporate sector. When people get information from independent sources, they are encouraged to think critically and form their own opinions, making independent media vital for any democracy.
Independent media channels function without external influence – this means that they can spread the word accurately about government policies and happenings, making them responsible for democratizing access to information and mainstream development issues.